By Tanner Henson Before diving into the legal challenges that surrounded North Carolina’s 2022 congressional redistricting, it is important to understand the recent history of redistricting in the state.  In 2010, a wave election year for North Carolina Republicans, the GOP stunned those who follow state politics by securing majorities in both houses of the […]

Chandler J. Reece[1] If you ask someone to tell you a Catholic joke, it could be about a priest acting inappropriately with a child.  That situation reflects the significant impact that the abuse crisis continues to have on the Catholic church. [2]  Given the seriousness of this ongoing topic, this Blog provides a history of […]

By: Christian Schweitzer Cryptocurrency (“Crypto”) is a decentralized digital currency stabilized by the blockchain, a digital ledger accessible and verifiable by millions of computers worldwide, that records every crypto transaction.[1] Crypto is no longer a fringe venture reserved for only the savviest players in the digital marketplace.[2] Recent estimates suggest that over twenty-seven million Americans […]

Joshua Plummer             The United States’ (“U.S.”) chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 may have marked the end of the longest war in American history,[1] but it did not end the battle for thousands of veterans[2] who fought in the two conflicts that defined the post-9/11 generation.[3]  Though the final shots of both conflicts […]

By Cameron Bray Equitable mootness is a common-law doctrine that prevents a Chapter 11 plan from being reviewed when an appellant has “failed and neglected diligently to pursue their available remedies to obtain a stay” and changes in circumstances “render it inequitable to consider the merits of the appeal.”[1]  Judges and practitioners alike tend to […]

By Michael J. Riedl Consumer lenders across America breathed an initial sigh of relief on February 8, as the Northern District of California sided with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (the “OCC”) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the “FDIC”) in upholding the “valid-when-made” rule pertaining to high-interest consumer loans.[1]  By upholding […]

By Carli Berasi Lurking behind bushes,[1] skulking behind trash,[2] and prowling under cars,[3] paparazzi spend their days behind the camera, seeking optimal, exclusive angles of their incredibly photogenic subjects: celebrities.[4]  Celebrities, who are often fiercely protective of their privacy, lose more than just their solitude, anonymity, and secrecy by their public figure status being subject […]

By: Mathias A. Young In 2020, the Supreme Court declared that a large part of Oklahoma was still Indian country[1] because Congress had never formally disestablished a reservation. While the McGirt v. Oklahoma[2] decision certainly had a large impact on the state of Oklahoma and was celebrated as a recognition of Native American treaty rights, […]

By Jonathon Beatty What happens when a public-school employee’s free speech and free exercise rights run contrary to the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment?[1]  The Supreme Court will answer that question in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District[2] and shed light on the intersection of the Free Speech, Free Exercise, and Establishment Clauses.[3]  Specifically, the […]

By: Inyoung Park Why is America involved in the Peace Treaty between South and North Korea? On June 25, 1950, the Korean War broke out when approximately 135,000 North Koreans, backed with support from China and the Soviet Union, stormed past the 38th parallel line that was dividing the Democratic South and the Communist-controlled North […]

By Hanna Diamond On December 29, 2021, Ghislaine Maxwell, a British socialite, was convicted on five counts of sex trafficking and “other charges for recruiting and grooming teenage girls” for Jeffrey Epstein.[1]  Maxwell is facing sixty-five years in prison,[2] and her sentencing date is June 28, 2022.[3]  Maxwell may be awarded a second chance in […]

By: Chandler Reece Since ancient times, people have recognized the need for judges to be impartial.[1]  On a related topic, Alexander Hamilton wrote that the “complete independence of the courts of justice is peculiarly essential in a limited constitution.”[2]  Two recent North Carolina cases have revealed areas for reform to further ensure impartiality in the […]