9 Wake Forest L. Rev. Online 21 Alexander W. Prunka* I. Introduction In the era of the #MeToo movement, there has been a dramatic push to name names and expose individuals accused of sexual misconduct and harassment across the world.[1] Before Harvey Weinstein was first accused and the #MeToo movement stormed onto the scene, though, […]

9 Wake Forest L. Rev. Online 1 Ashley Collette* I. Introduction It was a kitchen table, coat-hanger abortion. It took maybe six minutes. I got on the kitchen table. I think my stepmother gave me a drink of brandy or something, and she said, “Now this may hurt a little bit.” She held my hand […]

8 Wake Forest L. Rev. Online 44 Victor N.A. Metallo* I. Introduction Virtual currencies and their underlying blockchain technology are revolutionizing the way cross-border payments are made.[1] These digital assets are becoming a cultural phenomenon which may overshadow the purpose of why they were created. Their rise in popularity has inflated their prices significantly,[2] catching […]

8 Wake Forest L. Rev. Online 35 Cara Katrinak* I. Introduction The marijuana industry is growing like a weed. While recreational marijuana usage remains illegal under federal law, the recent trend towards legalization of the drug at the state level has enticed entrepreneurs and investors to enter the emerging marijuana market.[1] In 2016, Privateer Holdings […]

8 Wake Forest L. Rev. Online 27 Evan Darryl Walton* I. Introduction During the summer of 2015, the Obama Administration proposed a Department of Labor rule to alter the employee overtime compensation eligibility criteria.[1]  Specifically, the rule would allow more workers to receive overtime pay by raising the upper limit of covered compensation.  The change […]

8 Wake Forest L. Rev. Online 19 Mary Kate Gladstone* I. Introduction Breastfeeding law and policy in the United States is often summarized as “breast is best.”[1]  General American consensus suggests that women should aim to breastfeed for the first six months of a baby’s life for the benefit of both the baby and the […]

8 Wake Forest L. Rev. Online 12 Marc Edelman* On September 22, 2017, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (“DOE-OCR”), under the leadership of U.S. President Donald Trump, repealed the previous administration’s sexual harassment prevention guidelines that had required colleges to appoint a Title IX compliance officer and prosecute sexual harassment claims […]

8 Wake Forest L. Rev. Online 1 Ari Herbert* Imagine a deal that can’t be broken.  Harry Potter fans will remember the “unbreakable vow”: two wizards clasp arms, declare their promises, and whisper an incantation.[1]  A silvery thread of light twists around the enclasped arms and then disappears.  The spell is done.  The deal can’t […]

by: Marcia Zug Men and women are not equal in immigration law, and the Supreme Court has long upheld these distinctions. In fact, since 1977, the Court has heard four immigration-based sex discrimination cases and sustained the challenged provision every time.[1]  The Court even upheld one provision twice, just so it could more fully articulate […]

John Vlahoplus* Introduction [I]t shall be understood that the two Countries shall allways be mutually naturalized, that every person born in either Country shall be considered as a natural born Subject throughout Great Britain and America as before the troubles. — Proposed Anglo-American peace terms, 1777[1] Scholars have long debated what to make of the […]