By: Darren P. Lindamood* Lindamood_LawReview_January2010 * J.D. Candidate, May 2011, Wake Forest University School of Law. The author would like to thank all of the members of Wake Forest Law Review for their diligent work in editing this Comment.

By: Benjamin C. Zipursky* Zipursky_LawReview_December2009 ∗ Professor & James H. Quinn ‘49 Chair in Legal Ethics, Fordham Law School; Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School (Spring 2009). John Goldberg has provided helpful comments on a previous draft and has been a collaborator on many of the central ideas here; I take full responsibility for whatever has […]

By: Martha Charmallas* Chamallas_LawReview_December2009 * Robert J. Lynn Chair in Law, The Ohio State University. I would like to thank Barbara Schwabauer for her excellent research assistance.