By: Kenneth W. Simmons* Simmons_LawReview_December2009 * The Honorable Frank R. Kenison Distinguished Scholar in Law and Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law. I thank Greg Keating and Jane Stapleton for their valuable advice, and Ariel Greenstein and Andrew Keutmann for their helpful research assistance.

By: M.H. Matthews* Matthews_LawReview_December2009 * Fellow in Law, University College, Oxford; CUF Lecturer in Law, Oxford University. In writing this Article I have, with the kind permission of the Oxford University Press, drawn on the material that appears in chapter 3 of MARTIN MATTHEWS, JONATHAN MORGAN & COLM O’CINNEIDE, HEPPLE & MATTHEWS’ TORT: CASES AND MATERIALS […]

By: Gregory C. Keating* Keating_LawReview_December2009 * William T. Dalessi Professor of Law and Philosophy at the Gould School of Law at the University of Southern California. I am grateful to Nataline Viray-Fung for valuable research assistance, to the participants in this Symposium, to the attendees at a faculty workshop at Bar Ilan University in Israel, and […]

By: Ellen M. Bublick* Bublick_LawReview_December2009 * Dan B. Dobbs Professor of Law, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law. For helpful suggestions and feedback, many thanks to participants in the Symposium on the Third Restatement of Torts, particularly Dan Dobbs, Mike Green, Bill Powers, Ellen Pryor, Ken Simons, Aaron Twerski, and the editors […]

By: John C.P. Goldberg* Benjamin C. Zipursky** GoldbergZipursky_LawReview_December2009 * Professor, Harvard Law School. ** Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School (Spring 2009); Professor & James H. Quinn Chair in Legal Ethics, Fordham University School of Law. Thanks to Mark Geistfeld, Stephen Perry, Tony Sebok, Robert Stevens, Ernest Weinrib, and members of the New York City Torts […]